Beatrush is street parts brand which the technology and the knowhow that Laile obtained through motor sports was fed back in the best. “Under panel” (the panel installed under the body which the cooling and effect of the downforce in the engine room are achieved.) was born from Laile and now widespread as aftermarket parts products. At that time we had some demand from the user for the panel and we got a hint from guard for the rally and developed it . Laile named it as [Under Panel] and added to the line-up of Beatrush brand and released it. Under Panel was exactly invented from the point aimed at only of Laile that is skillful in the guard series.

The concept of the Beatrush brand is achievement of a high performance & high quality and reasonable price. For that, Laile has managed by ourselves about 90% or more of all processes of planning, development, test, manufacturing and management.

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